PBIS Information
SHE is a P.B.I.S. School
PositiveBehaviorIntervention andSupport

"I promise to be respectful, responsible,
safe and kind. I promise to do the right thing.'
Positive Behavioral Instructional Supports (PBIS) have become a cornerstone in creating a school culture that supports the promotion of the character traits below for everyone in our school community. Our school pledge below is based upon the traits of:
Kindness: Be friendly, considerate, and helpful.
Respect: Treat other people and things the way you want to be treated.
Responsibility:Do what you are supposed to do without being reminded.
"I promise to be respectful, responsible, safe, and kind. I promise to do the right thing.'
Our school rules are defined in the behavioral expectations outlined in the PBIS section of this handbook. Our top priority is to help children learn how to make good decisions about their behavior and learn from their mistakes. For most disciplinary issues, staff will complete an Office Disciplinary Referral Form (ODR). The reverse side of the ODR has a list of behavioral definitions to assist in understanding the form. This form must be signed by the student, teacher, and parent and returned to school the following day.
In general, our practices are for students to:
- Be polite and respectful to other students and all adults; profanity and threats are not permitted.
- Obey all school staff members.
- Walk quietly when entering the building, in the hallways and in classrooms.
- Use materials appropriately and do not damage school property. Parents are financially responsible for damaged or lost school property.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself. Physical aggression, bullying, and threatening are not permitted.
- Weapons (even toy weapons), alcohol, and drugs are forbidden.
Interventions may vary based circumstances and the severity of the issue. The administration retains the right to assign disciplinary consequences to any student according to school and Board of Education policies.
Please click to view some additional PBIS resources and information: